Al Moutmir no-till farming program: the harvest looks promising

Al Moutmir team presented the results of the 2019-2020 no-till farming program during the third edition of the Al Moutmir Open Innovation Lab which took place on May 20th, 2020. The program results are very encouraging despite the scarcity of precipitation. As a reminder, this first phase of the program covered more than 10 000 hectares and supported more than 2 000 farmers.
More than 100 people took part in this webinar: farmers, cooperatives, researchers and experts from different national and international organizations (ICARDA, APNI, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University of Benguerir, etc.).
Moustapha Bentoumi, a farmer from El Jadida region, is very pleased with the no-till farming results: "As of today, I will only use the no-till farming! I got 15 quintals in the no-till plateform versus 4 quintals per hectare in the conventional seeding plateform", said the farmer.