A multi-target capacity building program
The farmer, as the key player of the agriculture transformation
Agricultural transformation cannot be achieved without the farmer, the real agent of change. For this reason, Al Moutmir initiative invests primarily in farmers. Al Moutmir is setting up a multi-target and customized capacity building program to enable farmers to easily adopt best agricultural practices.This program is implemented with and for the farmer. Several training sessions covering the agronomic fields, managerial capacity building and soft skills were provided in 2019 for different targets.

Farmer capacity building offer

Women capacity building offer
Cooperatives capacity building offer

Young capacity building offer
Women capacity building offer
ElleMoutmir: Women, essential drivers for a sustainable rural development

Through ElleMoutmir program, we actively support women in rural areas to become agents of change. The objective is to develop their individual and collective agricultural and entrepreneurial capacities and encourage their networking for the achievement of common and impacting actions.
ElleMoutmir includes four programs to meet the needs of rural women:

Women farmers program
This program includes close agronomic support for women farmers in different provinces of the Kingdom, training and promotion of peer-to-peer outreach as well as networking support and common actions implementation.

Women cooperatives program
This program targets cooperatives and professional women organizations working on the valorization of agricultural and local land products. The objective is to support them in building a resilient and sustainable business. The services offered include local agronomic support, equipment and mechanization in addition to capacity building trainings (technical, business and soft skills).

Women agri-retailers program
This program brings to women retailers working in the fertilizer sector a capacity building offer based on technical support, equipment, networking, business meetings coordination with Al Moutmir partners and support in the diversification of products and services (Smart Blender, extension services, inputs and more).

Young women program
Tailored programs are provided to meet the need of each identified group. These programs help young leader women in the identification of entrepreneurship opportunities, capacity building as well as technical and administrative support for the creation of small businesses or cooperatives.